Hello, my name is Cody Swithenbank.
And I am a full-stack web developer.

Check my work


Chack title picture
KickCoin title picture
west-march title picture
Ebb and Flow title picture

Technologies: .



There isn't one way to cook an egg, I love solving a problem in a unique and ready for anything way.


Working with others to achieve a goal is sometimes complicated but always rewarding. I reach for teams that I can both learn and teach in.


Not only the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. I find the most growth in myself when solving a problem that takes the most time.

Cody Swithenbank

I am a web developer currently living in the Central Coast of California. I have a passion for making tools that help others in their daily lives, through automation, organization and communication. I attended Washington State University and graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering, spent about 5 years in the environmental consulting world and then decided to make the leap to software engineering and web development through a software engineering bootcamp. This decision has reignited my passion for learning and teaching others and strive to bridge my creative and technical passion through creating useful and beautiful websites

profile picture

when I am not coding


My yoga journey began while visiting a long-time friend in Seattle; as soon as I arrived, I was informed that I would be attending hot yoga everyday for the next week. I quickly found the power of breath and deep grounding that the practice gives. Yoga became a passion and is now an integral part of my life. I attended my first 200-hour teacher training at SLO Yoga Center in September of 2019. I am currently teaching one class a week at The Center in San Luis Obispo


The expression of art has been a pillar in my life, as I have always loved exploring new mediums and learning new techniques. I started learning digital art because of my fascination with geometric designs and inability to draw a straight line with pencil and paper. Throughout the years I have adopted many software platforms under my creative umbrella including; Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere, Adobe XD, and more recently Figma. As well as some dabbling with more physical mediums like acryllic painting, and photography. Art for me is an inspiration that I can use in any facet of my life, including front-end coding


Cooking is another bridge of technical and creative forces that can bring friends and family closer through a shared experience. While I do not claim to be any good at cheffing, I do love the chance to cook for the individuals I care about in my life. Honing this life skill has been another avenue for me to constantly learn, practice and literally taste the efficacy of my in the hobby.

Let's Meet!